Friday, April 17, 2009

In an e-mail Feinberg sent us it said, "It is clear that you got it. Now the question must be can you live it?" I think this statement has a lot of bearing on the situation right now. We are done with CSR 309; done with learning the ins and outs of leadership. Its clear by the grades on some of my papers that I 'got it,' but can I live it?

If I were to evaluate my leadership ability and how it advanced throughout the semester, I do not think I did anything extravagant. I did step up in one group and become the leader, but there is not really a whole lot to it. I am running for vice president of a club I'm involved in, and hopefully I'll be a great leader next year. I have little reminders scattered throughout my room, purse, and car to remind me what it takes to be a great leader, but what it all comes down to is living it, right?

I now set goals on Sundays of what I want to accomplish in that week. I have goals for this semester, summer, etc. I try to bring love to other people's lives; little things that hopefully make a big difference. I have not figured out a way to make a big difference, but that's one of my goals.

CSR 309 was more than class to me and I'm pretty sure to just about everyone else who has ever taken the class. I believe it changed my life, maybe not on a large scale at this point, but I will always remember the lessons learned and try to implement them in my life every day.

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